Plaque Psoriasis Method-of-Action Video
From conception to digital production I art directed this visual explanation of the method of action for this Abbvie medication . I provided the winning concept: using lily pads on a pond's surface to illustrate imbalance in nature. When your body creates too much of a specific protein, plaque psoriasis can occur, our active ingredient helps to regain your body's natural balance. I went on to storyboard, comp and direct the final video.
HIV Support App
Daily Charge is an app that helps people living with HIV. It provides educational resources, medication reminders and personal cell count and viral load tracking. I redesigned the Daily Charge app 2.0 for our current generation of iOS and Android phones. I added community polls, additional educational topics and a points system to engage and retain users.
Email Blast
The initial email blast for this product launch was directed at more than ten target demographics based on gender, interest and initial discovery method. I designed the look and structure based on our rapidly changing brand guidelines for desktop and mobile. Under my direction our team ended up producing over twenty emails covering topics such as: benefits, efficacy, dosing and patient experiences. 
Unbranded HIV Awareness
The job was to redesign and update the look and feel of our HIV awareness client. I wanted to keep the light conversational feel while losing the “cartoony” illustration style. I created an editorial feel that provided a canvas for stories, profiles and quick statistics.
Animated Social Media Posts
I designed and animated these social media posts for our dry-eye medication. I worked within our unbranded guidelines to keep an upbeat tone and feel.
Pharma Print Work
Here are some examples of printed kits I art directed and designed.
Unbranded Station Takeover
These photos are from Boston's North Station. For this campaign we purchased all available ad space for a "station takeover". I directed the design of all elements: turnstile signage, video boards, print signage and step and repeat column wraps for Boston, Philadelphia and New York's Penn Station.
HIV Medication Website
I designed this most recent iteration of the website. We needed to strip down the information available now that this medication is more commonly prescribed in concert with another drug for use as a prophylactic treatment. I worked with our science and marketing teams to provide the newest and most succinct information available to consumers.